πŸ—“οΈ Trip Planning
Where to Digital Nomad

Where Should I Digital Nomad?

You have income (or a lump of cash) and know you want to digital nomad, but you don't know where you want to live.

In my opinion, there 3 methods when selecting a location:

  1. Flight First
  2. Location First
  3. Hybrid of 1 & 2 (my method)


Flight FirstFind cheap flight, then book trip.CheapestLess location choice
Location FirstSelect location, then find flight.More choiceMore expensive
HybridFind cheap flights for select listCheap w/ choice

Flight First Method

I'm a sucker for a good flight deal. This plays a big part in how I decide on a location.

I've got a long list of tips for finding cheap flights. My favorite one that helps decide where I'll digital nomad is open-ended Google Flights search. You can find more details on that page.

Essentially, you search for:

  • one-way tickets
  • several source airports (if you're close to more than 1)
  • no destination
  • no departure date
open ended google flights

Google displays a map from which you can start to scroll around.

open ended google flights map

Destination First Method

There's some great tools/resources out there to help research where to digital nomad. My preference is to use a combination of NomadList (opens in a new tab) and Reddit (opens in a new tab).

I start with NomadList. Great for:

  • High level nomad specific information (prices, internet speeds, weather, safety, quality of life, etc.)
  • Discovering new cities you've never heard of

Once I've narrowed down a couple of cities, I use reddit to help gain a pulse on the city. I'll typically search in Google (better than Reddit search).


digital nomad [city] reddit.

ex. digial nomad chiang mi reddit

Hybrid Method

This is my preferred method. Use a combination of flight first & location first.

With this method, I first find a list of 10-15 locations that I would consider digital nomadding in.

I then use my cheap flight hacks and specifically the open-ended Google Flights search hack to look for flights in one of my selected locations.

You get the best of both worlds: a bargain where you want to live.


Thailand, Vietnam, Spain, & Ireland

I have an upcoming trip starting January 2024. I used method 3, hybrid, that probably leaned location first.

I knew I wanted to head to SE Asia for a couple months to start 2024 and have a wedding in Ireland in April.

I then went searching for locations in SE Asia on NomadList (opens in a new tab). I filtered it down to about a dozen cities in Thailand, Vietnam, & Indonesia.

Once I incorporated my open-ended Google Flights search hack, I ended up finding a one way from Boston -> Bangkok for $500USD. Reasonable, I think. This locked me in for Chiang Mai for the first month.

Once you're in SE asia, flights are so cheap to move around. I then picked a city I've been wanting to travel to, Da Nang.

My rough plan was to head from the US to SE Asia for a few months, work my way to Spain, then head to Ireland for the wedding.

  • January - Chiang Mai (Thailand)
  • February - Da Nang (Vietnam)
  • March - Spain
  • April - Ireland

Best Apps


Learn how to become a digital nomad and find the best places to live and work remotely as a location independent remote worker.

Why use it?

  • Discover new cities
  • Learn relevent information (monthly prices, internet speeds, weather, safety, quality of life, etc.)
Google Flights
Google Flights

Use Google Flights to explore cheap flights to anywhere. Search destinations and track prices to find and book your next flight.

Why use it?

  • Can search multiple airlines
  • Find date ranges that are cheaper